God raised Jesus from the dead! (I Peter 1:21)
I start off with saying that because I want to be very clear in this declaration –God raised Jesus from the dead! The fact that Jesus was dead was never in question. The ruling authorities of the time knew Jesus was dead. His enemies knew he was dead. His friends knew he was dead. Jesus had predicted it, the Pharisees and religious leaders wanted, the Romans did it and no one doubted it –Jesus -was -dead.
The problem they had was not with his death but with his resurrection. Three days after the death of Jesus the tomb was empty. That was the problem, that was the fear, that was the hope, that Jesus indeed had risen from the dead. A story was fabricated –the body was stolen by the disciples, in spite of all the precautions the body was gone and so a story made up –the disciples took the body. Yet, those very same ones accused of taking the body themselves doubted. Rather than a group of people plotting and scheming on how to take the body, they hid in fear, the bowed in tears, they mourned and they trembled, some even sought to escape by leaving town. Rather than a group of courageous men coming to take on a well trained group of soldiers, a few women came not to steal a body but to prepare it for permanent burial. The followers of Jesus were just as surprised as the authorities that the body was not there. God had raised Jesus from the dead.
Over the next 40 days this very same Jesus showed himself to many people many times. Sometimes there was one or two, other times there were as many as 500. We read that on at least 11 occasions Jesus appeared –not as an ethereal vision or manifestation, but as a tangible, touchable very real person one who talked, was touched, even ate fish on the shore of Galilee. God had raised Jesus from the dead, no matter the rumors, no matter the bribes to say otherwise there was no doubt, even to the most doubtful people, no doubt, in any one’s mind that Jesus had been raised from the dead. God had raised Jesus from the dead!
But more than just a resurrected or resuscitated body, Jesus was a transformed body. He was recognizable and yet more. He was resurrected into a body that was sown in a perishable body, but raised imperishable, sown in dishonor but raised in glory, sown in weakness but raised in power, sown in the natural and raised in the spiritual (I Corinthians 15:42-44), this body as the first fruits of those who would come, those who would belong to Him (15:20). God had raised Jesus from the dead –raised Him into eternity in glory and power and majesty.
This very act of resurrection is vital to our hope, our faith, our purpose our eternity. This very act of resurrection is perhaps “the” thing upon which all of who we are and what we do, all of what we hope for and believe is based.
There are in the course of events certain things that happen that you look back and say, that was when it all made sense, or that was the turning point of the game, or everything hinged on this happening. In the recent Junior’s world cup for Canada it was the game against the Swedes. Several commentators said that was the turning point for Canada –they realized they were playing other very good teams in this tournament not just going through the motions until they met the USA in, what they hoped, was a gold medal final to vindicate the loss last year. And then there came the final game against Russia –game in hand, up three goals. Turning point? Well, there is a lot of debate on that, but something certainly happened that changed the whole game and its outcome.
In other events there may be something that everything else hinges on. If this does not happen then everything else falls apart. In a war it may be a certain battle. In a battle it may be a certain movement of the troops. It may be secrecy, or something else. Everything depends on this one event, this one action or success is not possible. Remove that one element, that one key, and it all falls apart. The resurrection is so important, so crucial to our hope –our eternity, our purpose.
Let us read from I Corinthians 15:12-20.
God has raised Jesus from the dead. You remove this from our theology, our doctrine, our beliefs and everything else crumbles. There is a movement, and has been for many years, to deny or disbelieve in the resurrection –and this is amoung so called Christian groups! There are many people, in and out of the church who believe in Jesus. They believe he was a good man, a great teacher, even a prophet. They do things in his name –even may do great things, and they will even believe that he died –but the resurrection? Some believe it was just a metaphor for the rest of us –Jesus did not rise from the dead but that his disciples continued to live out his reality.
Why is the resurrection so important? Well, there are the reasons I have just given and that we read about from Paul, but there 10 key reasons I would challenge us with today.
Because God raised Jesus from the dead all authority is given to Him. Look at some of the key passages we have that proclaim the authority of Jesus and His glory –Matthew 28:18 “All authority has been given to me.” And then Ephesians 1:18-23. Take out the resurrection and there is no authority, there is no power. God has raised Jesus from the dead and all authority is given to Him! God has exalted Him to the highest place and given Him the name that is above every other name (Philippians 2:9). The resurrection established his Lordship and authority –he is the king of kings and Lord of Lords.
Because God raised Jesus from the dead then the words and teachings of Jesus must be truth! If Jesus did not rise from the dead then what authority does he have to speak truth. One of the things he said many times in different ways was he would rise from the dead. After all, then if Jesus did not rise from the dead, then his saying he would means he was wrong, and if he got that wrong, what else did he get wrong? Were his statements about being the son of God correct? What about his saying he was the only way to the father? If there were no resurrection then we are left in doubt about the veracity of Jesus teaching. We can take what we like and apply it as we would from any good teacher, but to take it as truth? Because God raised Jesus from the dead and has given Him all authority and has shown the veracity of his teachings then they must be followed!
And that is a key reason I believe why many, even in the church who may believe in God will pull away from the resurrection –if Jesus really did rise from the dead, and all authority is then given to him then his words, his teachings, his commands must be followed. The resurrection adds an exclamation mark to all of the teachings of Jesus –all of his statements.
-I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father but by me! –Resurrection!
-If you love me, obey my commands –Resurrection!
-I am the vine you are the branches –remain in me –resurrection!
-God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that who ever believe in him will have everlasting life –resurrection!
If Jesus was just a good man, just a good teacher, just a moral guide, then the words he spoke can be taken or left –we can pick an choose what we want to believe is true or worth following. Much as we would follow the teachings of Buddha or Benjamin Franklin or any other teacher and giver of advice. But if Jesus is risen, if he is indeed given all authority if he is Lord and King and all are placed under his feet, then what he says, what he teaches is truth.
Because God raised Jesus from the dead, Jesus has the power to judge. John 5:19-30. All authority is given to Jesus in heaven and earth, and he will judge. And there are two things to note here. The first is that there will be a judgment of separation. This is the judgment where those who are true believers in Jesus Christ will be separated from those who are not.
The Bible, the words of Jesus are very clear on this. Believe in me and you have life, follow my commands and you have life, be led by the Spirit and have life, I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except by me. Early on Jesus talked about the judgment of separation in his discourse called the sermon on the mount (Mathew 7 15-23) and then again in his parable on the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25. This final judgment of separation is hard for a lot of people to take and so we come up with such things as “all paths lead to God” or “Jesus is just one of many ways.”
The resurrection places Jesus uniquely and singularly as having the power and the authority to judge. And He will judge by the standard the Father has set –believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved! This is not just a mental ascent. Jesus himself says that many will call him Lord yet still be separated from him.
Belief begins in the holiness and righteousness of the sovereign God. We are separated from God because of sin and stand in judgment because of our sin. We, as sinful and separate beings being’s we cannot bring anything to God to offer for our salvation –we are not saved by the law or works –simply following the teachings of Jesus are not enough (Ephesians 2). Jesus Christ, as God’s son, is the only way to forgiveness and cleansing from our sin (Hebrews 2:17). We must confess (admit our sin), and believe (put our trust in Christ as our only hope) and repent (change our lives to match His. All who receive Him (Jesus and believe in His name (Jesus) he gave the right to become the children of God.
God has raised Jesus from the dead and given Him the right to judge-to separate, those who believe and those who do not. Jesus tied the resurrection and faith in him together when he met a woman named Martha who had just lost her brother in death. Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe?” That I the question we need to ask ourselves –do I believe? God raised Jesus from the dead –do you believe?
Further there is also the judgment of actions. This is for those who have gone through the judgment of separation and now stand before the throne of Jesus. Paul in II Corinthians 5:10 say’s that we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ. (read). This is the obedience factor for followers of Jesus. Jesus made it very clear “If you love me you will obey my commands” (John 14:15). God has raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus has been given all authority, his words are true and he has been given the power and right to judge.
But even more and I am going to run through these quickly but do not lose sight of their importance and impact in our lives!
John Piper says in his book “Seeing and savoring Jesus Christ” says the resurrection vindicates the sufficiency of the cross that Jesus death and sacrifice was enough for our salvation. The price has been paid, the debt of sin accounted for. Jesus has paid it all, nothing more is needed because he has laid down his life as our ransom and death no longer has mastery of Him but he has conquered death! Colossians 2:14-15
Because he has been raised our forgiveness is real and permanent. Jesus has assured our salvation and all who believe in Him will be saved! Take great hope in this, take great confidence in this –because he lives we too shall live! (Colossians 2:13)
Because he has been raised from the dead he now stands at the Heavenly Father’s right hand making intercession for us –Jesus is praying and asking the father on our behalf. We pray in Jesus name because he is risen and can have the confidence that our great high priest is there –one who knows our struggles and loves us eternally. (Hebrews 7:25)
Because he has been raised from the dead he can give us his Spirit to teach and to guide us, comfort and protect us, fill us and empower us. (John 14:16)
Because Jesus is raised from the dead he can and does commission us to carry on His work –to spread the good news of His coming and the salvation that is offered. Because he lives he continues to work through us to build His kingdom, his church against which the gates of hell will not prevail! (Acts 1:8)
Because he is raised form the dead he has defeated the enemy –stepped on the head of the serpent. The victory is won. And more he has defeated the grave and death no longer holds its grip. For all who believe in Him are given the gift of eternal life and we shall be like him. (I Corinthians 15)
Because he has been raised from the dead we can, and to me this is one of the most important comforting and challenging aspects of the whole thing, because he has been raised from the dead he can be with us and is with us, even to the ends of the earth. Immanuel! God with us, Jesus with us! At Christmas we see the promise of Immanuel and indeed He has come as a baby, God in flesh. But even more powerfully, more fully, more incredibly he is Immanuel –God with us because he is risen! (Matthew 28:20)
Over the next several weeks we are going to look at how this presence of the risen savior affects some of the key areas of our lives. It should and can have a tremendous impact in our day to day living, our worship, our ministry, our growth, our sharing the good news. The Lord is Risen! He has risen Indeed!
God has raised Jesus from the dead and this gives us hope –he is the first born from amoung the dead and he has the power to raise us up with Himself! (Romans 8:11)
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